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Counseling Center


Welcome to the NLMS Counseling Center Page

Phone Number:  425-335-1640   Room # 311

Counselor Sign-In for Students


*Anna Mason, Counselor (7th Grade for the 24-25 school year)

(425) 335-1554


*Leanne Koenigs, Counselor (6th Grade for the 24-25 school year)

(425) 335-1540  


  • Student Support (Students A-Z)
  • Academic Success
  • 504 Plans/Accommodations
  • Schedules
  • Future Planning, College-bound
  • McKinney Vento/School, Community Resources
  • Guidance & Support Tiers Teams


Ashli Atwood, Student Mental Health Support Specialist

(425) 335-1679 

  • Individual Social/Emotional Support
  • Peer Mediation
  • Student Social/Emotional Groups
  • Family Support
  • Community Resources
  • Guidance & Support Tiers Teams

Meet the Counselor

Strengthening Families Groups 

Everything You Need to Know About Middle School (PDF)


← Click on the Resources tab to the left of this page to access information about resources.



What kinds of things do counselors do?
Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and change and, often times, the “drama” of being an adolescent can have an impact on academic achievement. School Counselors are available as advocates, leaders, collaborators, and consultants. This means that if you, or your student, are concerned with academics, personal/social development, or future planning – North Lake Middle School Counselors are committed to helping with whatever you need.


How can I help my child make the transition from elementary to middle school?
The first few weeks of school are referred to as the “honeymoon period”. Good intentions, motivation to make it a “good year”, and good behavior mark this period. This is the time to talk honestly with your student about what worked last year, and offer suggestions about changes that may need to be made. Some suggestions include: studying after school vs later in the evening; eating breakfast; keeping an assignment notebook. Talk about what did not work: staying up too late on school nights; procrastinating on long-term projects; giving too much time to one’s social life – and not enough time to school work.